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The Key to Equipping Female Family Leaders with the Right Tools

Equipping Female Family Leaders with the Right Tools

Are we giving female family leaders the right tools? 

We say we want equity, and yet they tell us we don’t have enough experience to be on the family investment council. We tell women to go get more confidence, and then penalize them for speaking up. The systemic problem of valuing female leadership not only permeates corporate America, it has deep roots in families of wealth.

However, if women want to get ahead, oftentimes it means they must bear the brunt of the responsibilities. If women want to run their family office or be on their family board, they must bear the burden of being everything to everyone.

What’s more, if you feel like you’ve previously been overlooked but now have so much experience, wisdom, and potential to contribute, what can you do to finally step into your power?

Find support and connection with other female family leaders.

Where can you go for support and connection, to have others lift you up, and to grow? Fortunately, the answer is somewhat simple: other women. Other women who have a lot, and yet want a lot. (E.g. leadership, money, power—*gasp*—are women even allowed to say they want power?). Women who want to feel valued, respected, and that they don’t have to do it alone. Women who’ve been where you’ve been, understand you, inspire you, and are ready and willing to help you get ahead. What’s more, these women can help you do the following…

Get in touch with your values.

A group of like-minded women can help you realize that you have the ability to be of change in the community and globally—your life doesn’t revolve solely around the family business or industry. Getting in touch with our values helps us realize this, and the greater impact we can make outside of our immediate circles. Once we get in touch with our values, we’re able to create a life that aligns with them. This embues us with a sense of purpose, because there is reason and meaning attached to everything we do. Your values-aligned purpose is central to your existence and way of living in the world; it will also keep you going, serving as a compass for the journey ahead. 

Stand firm in your right to be heard.

You have the will, purpose, and determination to contribute. Finding the courage and confidence to step into your power will change you, your family business, and maybe even the world. We don’t want your knowledge, experience, and talent to be hidden or wasted. As a member of your family, you deserve to voice your opinion and be heard. Step into it.

Introducing The Women’s World Wide Council

The Women’s World Wide Council is a global group that brings women together in a private setting to help each other process challenges, grow, collaborate, and create our own legacies. We are the only group of its kind in the world that brings women from around the globe together in a highly exclusive setting. This confidential, intimate, guided forum is dedicated to the development and empowerment of established (40 years old+), global female family leaders and inheritors.

Interested in learning more? Nominate a woman who may benefit from a mastermind group such as the Women’s World Wide Council. Send your nomination to by December 18th and they can enter our next group starting in January 2021.

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