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Finding Purpose—and How It’s Different from Passion

Finding Purpose—and How It’s Different from Passion

Finding your purpose can sometimes seem daunting. So let’s break it down…

First, we’ll start by telling you about our purpose, cover the differences between purpose and passion, talk about why purpose is important, and then give you a few tools to help you on your path to finding your own.

Our Purpose 

Michelle and Ella  “launched” Wellth Works (by launching ourselves off a yacht in Croatia) around the central idea that money being the pinnacle of success in U.S. culture is flawed—in reality there’s so much more to living a well-thy life.⁠

We are both wealth creators (on our own terms) and wealth inheritors, and what we know for sure is that money is only *one* ingredient to the life we want to live.⁠ We crave boldness, beauty, and breathtaking moments that include risking and failing, loving and losing.

That’s why we created Wellth Works—to help women find meaning and fulfillment through developing themselves as leaders, wealth creators, and contributors on their own terms.

We believe that legacy is more than money, social status, and material things. It’s about the depth of our contribution to the planet and humanity, and how we cultivate connections with the people who matter most.

The Difference Between Purpose & Passion

Passion is often, but not always, related to self-pursuit and emotional pleasure. Generally it refers to consumption. You can be passionate about wine, skiing, or hiking, and it often results in feelings of joy and pleasure. 

Purpose, on the other hand, usually includes service to other humans. The seed of purpose is planted when we ask ourselves: how can I make others’ lives better? Your purpose can be to educate, create, build, or simply make everyone you meet smile. Your purpose often results in finding meaning and fulfillment.

Why You Need to Start Looking for Your Purpose Today

The notion of purpose is life preserving. It’s not indulgence, it’s not a luxury—it’s what actually keeps you going and is central to your existence and way of living in the world. 

If you’re not tuned into your purpose, how are you going to wake up and navigate this crazy world? How do you plan to maintain hope for yourself and your family for years to come?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you’re ready to start looking for your own purpose:

  1. What is missing for you right now
  2. What do you want to be known for? 
  3. What makes you profoundly sad and/or angry? 
  4. What difference do you want or intend to make before you die? 

Your purpose can often appear inconvenient at first. This is because it often requires discomfort and potentially sacrifice (your current salary, prestige, and/or title) in order to do something that, at the end of the day, will bring you and others major benefits and major JOY.

However, we’re not that great at assessing costs vs. benefits in relation to our emotional lives (more on that later). Therefore, put your resistance to what comes up aside for now; instead play with all that arises when you ask yourself the deep questions about your true purpose—those minor inconveniences now will create a deep change for your future.

We’d like to shout-out Perpetum Consulting for inspiring some of the content for this post.

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