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Finding Your Path in the Land of Wealth: Your Guide to Accessing Personal Development Funds

You’re eager for personal development with a desire to grow and contribute in a meaningful way, but you don’t know how to fund it. You know the resources are there, within the family trust or held by senior family members, but the thought of asking for access feels daunting, especially when there’s no guidelines for such a request.

We know this can be challenging, especially if you’re navigating an unfamiliar family office structure. Luckily, we have a strategy to help you request support, paving the way towards personal and financial autonomy.

Prepare Your Case

Before approaching your family members, prepare a clear and compelling case for why personal development funding is a smart investment. Outline specific programs, like ASCEND, detailing how they align with your long term personal and professional goals. Demonstrating the tangible benefits helps underscore the value of your request and shows your commitment to making thoughtful, strategic use of the funds.

Align Your Goals with Family Values

Connect your development goals with your family’s values and legacy. If leadership and stewardship are important, highlight how your chosen program will hone these skills. This shows your initiative and reassures your family that their support will benefit the family legacy.

Propose a Structured Approach

If your family doesn’t have a clear budget for personal development, propose a structured funding approach. Suggest setting up regular reviews and updates on your progress as part of the agreement. This structure can provide reassurance that the funds are being used effectively, and also establishes a framework for accountability.

Practice Your Pitch

Confidence in asking comes from preparation. Practice what you want to say ahead of time. The more you rehearse, the more natural your pitch will feel when it’s time to discuss it with your family.

Be Ready for Questions

Be prepared to answer questions about specifics of the program like its cost and the expected outcomes. Being ready with facts and being transparent will help build trust and show that you’re well informed.

Use Empathy

Remember, the person you’re asking likely has your best interests at heart. Approach the conversation with empathy. Acknowledge their perspective and be prepared to discuss their concerns alongside your aspirations.

Follow Up Graciously

Regardless of the outcome, follow up with a thank you note. Expressing gratitude for their time and consideration will help maintain positive family dynamics.

While you could use this approach for any resource, we get asked all the time: “how do I ask my parents or advisors to fund the ASCEND program?”. Our program was designed to help you enhance your personal skills and prepare you for the demands of navigating family wealth and leadership roles.

Through our year-long coaching program, you’ll learn how to embrace your unique situation with integrity and stewardship, without losing your autonomy. Our approach will allow you to emerge from ASCEND with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose.

Securing your personal development funding is the first step towards unlocking clear life direction, financial responsibility, and effective leadership skills. This isn’t just an investment in your education — it’s an investment in your future as a steward of your family’s legacy. Once funded, your journey through ASCEND will equip you with the skills needed to confidently manage your inheritance and lead with integrity.

Are you ready to embrace impactful roles within and beyond your family systems? Learn more about ASCEND here.

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